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Professor Stich's Original Circus Band

Professor Jerry Stich’s Original Circus Band is a 15-20 member circus band made up of area semi-professional wind players with an enthusiasm for circus band literature. The band was formed in 1980 to celebrate the return of the Historic Circus Parade to the streets of Baraboo after an eight year respite. The last Milwaukee parade had been held in 1972. With the resurgence of the parade, this time in historic Baraboo, it was felt a local band ought to participate as one of the Bandwagon Circus Bands. Professor Stich, having played in earlier Milwaukee parades, and, as Professor of Music at the UW Baraboo/Sauk County campus in Baraboo, was called upon to form such a band. Their musicianship, enthusiasm, and success at this parade assured them of the future performances in the 1981 and 1982 Chicago parades; the 1984 Ringling Centennial parade, again in Baraboo; and the Greater Milwaukee Circus Parade of 1985 through 1998. They have enjoyed the distinction of playing on the Two Hemisphere Bandwagon pulled by the famous Sparrow 40-Horse Hitch. This wagon was built for the Barnum and Bailey Circus in 1902 and is the largest circus wagon in existence.

June 13

Frank Martin Busch and The Names